
“How clients past history impacts on the present. Most of the consequences of this early experience are acted out unconsciously, therefore the aim of Psychodynamic Counselling is to bring past, unresolved issues or traumas into awareness, in order to shed light on them and help the client change things in the present”
(Dykes 2017) Psychodynamic.

“When the therapist is sensing the feelings and personal meanings, which the client is experiencing in each moment. When he can perceive these from ‘inside’, as they seem to, the client, when he can successfully communicate something of that understanding to his client, then this condition is fulfilled”
(Rogers 2004) Person-Centred.

“Encourages you to understand that you’re thinking or beliefs, lie between the event and your ultimate feelings and actions. Your thoughts, beliefs and the meanings that you give to an event, produce your emotional and behavioural responses” (Branch2010).
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves” (Frankl) Existential.