
shifting of the minds (05/06/2022)

I feel we hold on to the reactions of self and others that annoy us. When we observe self, if we do this, what triggers and emotions come up?

For example: I had an ok day, singing in the car, unconsciously ruminating on a particular incident, feeling quite happy (using the term happy). I arrive home

enter the house, walk into the kitchen; “Oh my”. Dishes on the side, stuff in the kitchen sink pilling up, mood has now changed. Feeling P***** Off.

Interesting how mood has now shifted.

Before entering, I was at a level equilibrium, in that split second my inner peace has been jolted. “Why?” “What took place there?”

What happened physically and emotionally? (Funnily enough, even though it’s not funny), In my body I felt a sense of heaviness; sadness; anger; and resentment taking over. “Ya, I know right its quite a bit of flavour of emotions.”

All the ruminating presented itself. Sense of unworthiness and disrespect, from the kitchen looking a mess. Compiled with remnants of splashes from one using the cooker, plates on the side and a large saucepan in the sink amongst other friends.

The occurrence of these heightened emotions when presented with this site, would always grate me from as far as I could remember. One day something hit me, it’s as if I got a revelation. I had to ask myself, “why are you truly upset? “To carry out doing the dishes and cleaning up will not take that long.

I journaled and exploring concluded, when revisiting my past, chores had to be done. If the chores were not carried out with high expectations, punishment in some form of abuse awaited.

For so many years the archaic programme was in my psyche and imprinted within my body, playing out the feelings that would consciously arise.

Mmmmmm interesting! ‘Are you feeling ignored due to this situation?’ Don’t get me wrong, there were many times when I would come home greeted by a spotless kitchen.

Why on certain times would I have tunnel vision and a messy kitchen would grate on me?

I realised that the mess created chaos within my mind, sending emotions of not being in control of my life. Maybe the fear of something not so great happening.

I get that I have waffled on, but for me to overcome this negative reaction I had to break down WHY?

This was the work I had to do on myself, to become self-aware when faced with the situation approaching it differently.

I was not the scared little girl anymore who had no control to the consequences of her actions. This was a (Aaahhaa) moment for me.

“I am ok, no harm will be experienced”.

Expressing myself again to the other party in a kind manner to be heard helped.

It has taken a while to put in the work viewing this scene differently, changing the archaic narrative, I now view it differently, working on ME DAILY.

- Beautiful Danso


procrastination (26/03/2022)

Life has highs and dips . One minute we’re on a journey of focuses and productivity. We then may hit a jolt of procrastination due to becoming depleted due to a challenging task at hand that has thrown us off course because of the work being difficult as it’s unfamiliar grounds.

Our mind and body love habitual familiarity, anything out of the ordinary may send our whole being into shut down mode.

These quick reminders of the historic programming embedded within the Limbic System, which assists with storing and retrieving past emotions within our conscious . The Amygdala powerful with our remembrance of fear and anxiety, which may lead to the above behaviour.

What do we do then?

The motivational flow will be tested at this point , perseverance, belief planning and action will need to take over.

“Easier said than done I hear you say”!!

You have started on the journey and have come thus far. When we hit the mind field of disempowerment, negative talk, fear, self doubt, don’t move an inch forward and the list goes on . Do we give up, or do we bore through the tunnel executing a plan however mountainous the vision may seem.

When we can overcome the being stuck stage , overriding the pull of procrastination, enabling us to continue in hope and success, as to where we left off . Analysing where we lost sight and why.

Having compassion towards self, becoming self-aware, trying to make sense and keep it moving.

There is something mighty and big occurring. May not be able to connect the dots at present but when you look back is when you will hopefully get the AHHAA moment .



THOUGHTS (28/2/22)

 What is clouding your mind?

What is the dominant thought for you today?

What we give attention to, believe and focus on becomes our reality.

Our minds cannot differentiate between reality or just thought. The ruminating of “I’m not worthy” becomes the way in which we act this thought in our daily life; as it will  be hard to think otherwise. Or “What am I going to cook for dinner tonight”? These thoughts are both coming from the same channel. Which one is false? It’s very busy up there. Busy inner, busy outer.

 Take a few minutes to be still, be in the present, the gift of all time.

Maybe jot your thoughts down and see where or what your mind is focusing on.

Take note of the optimistic and pessimistic thoughts which emerge.

Which is the most dominant thought pattern?

 To recognise how and what you are feeling, may be the beginning of your journey to overcoming thought control.

 Beautiful Danso


Do you believe that you can? Do you believe that you can’t? Which voice is most overpowering?

Close your eyes and be in the present moment. How is the voice presenting its presence?

Is the voices carrying the weight of fear? Think about it ? Were is this warring coming from?

Has it been part of you for the longest while? built up home in your conscious and Sub-conscious?

What are the voices calling out and saying?

“What? Do you think you are cleaver?

That idea is bigger than you, you will never accomplish that goal” etc.

This vibration, you may have become too familiar with and started walking the untruth, then fear takes over,

and you start living your life in a lie, that which was untrue is now in your mind.

we exist but never live to execute who we truly are meant to be.

Looking back we have given these thoughts and words power.

How can you override such pessimistic thoughts? What triggered these thoughts ?

'“I hear you but I do not acknowledge you”. (Negative voices)

Think of something positive that you have done. Hold onto that, each time this arises.

“I will not be defeated, I am a fighter, I will not give in to that which no longer serves me.

Wherever the voice takes me stating etc etc, I will do the opposite of where it wants to take me.

And blossom with positive enthusiasm (All these actions will be taken one step at a time).

Beautiful Danso
